- Upon accepting a grant, there are two ways to fund a grant on Questbook:
A. Sending funds that are deposited into the grant smart contract
B. Sending funds directly from a wallet of your choice
- To send funds that are deposited into the smart contract, you’ll first need to deposit funds into
the smart contract. Select Add funds under the funds tab to add funds to the smart contract.
(See image)
- Choose how you want to add funds. You can either add funds from another wallet by sending the funds to the contract directly or through the wallet that is connected with Questbook at the time of adding funds.
Note: Click on Discord logo for any support. We’ll help you resolve your queries immediately.
**Select how you’d want to deposit funds to the contract**
![Screenshot 2022-03-15 at 8.43.47 PM.png](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f0120b94-53e6-40da-b3fe-0a4b63611bc3/Screenshot_2022-03-15_at_8.43.47_PM.png)
**Adding funds to the contract through another wallet.**
**Adding funds through the connected wallet**
You can add funds to the grant contract from the grants application page as well (see Add Funds option in the image below)
![Screenshot 2022-03-15 at 8.49.13 PM.png](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/801e4d04-7444-4d69-a44e-0c4332093457/Screenshot_2022-03-15_at_8.49.13_PM.png)
- To send funds directly from your linked wallet, select Send funds option from the application details page and select Use funds from the wallet linked to your account option
![Screenshot 2022-03-15 at 8.52.45 PM.png](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/81e63529-c63e-4182-bed9-dd129fe38a6a/Screenshot_2022-03-15_at_8.52.45_PM.png)